Tec Deep Instructors provide the most comprehensive technical instruction available. Tec Trimix divers explore the outer edges of technical deep diving. If you are both a Tec Deep Instructor and Tec Trimix Diver then the DSAT Tec Trimix Instructor trainer course is for you. The DSAT Trimix Diver Instructor course incorporates instructional philosophies and course goals that directly address the demanding and challenging nature of technical diving with helium gas mixes. What can I do as a DSAT Trimix Instructor? As a Tec Trimix Instructor you'll be one of the elite who can teach the Tec Trimix Diver course. During the course you'll learn how to teach diving at the cutting edge down to a depth of 75 metres/240 feet. What do I need to start? | |
- Have a minimum of 200 logged dives with at least 20 technical decompression dives requiring at least one stage/deco cylinder. Of these, at least 10 must have been made deeper than 40 metres/130 feet using trimix.
- Be a DSAT Tec Deep Instructor, or have successfully completed the DSAT Tec Deep Instructor Training course including the instructor examinations
- Be a renewed PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer or higher level PADI Instructor.
- Be certified as a DSAT Trimix Diver or have a qualifying full trimix certification
Upon successful completion the candidate must meet the following criteria: - Have a minimum of 350 logged dives, with at least 50 decompression dives, 30 deeper than 40metres/130feet using trimix as the bottom gas, also at least 10 of these deeper than 50metres/165feet using trimix with less than 21 percent Oxygen.
- Have assisted with at least one DSAT Trimix course.
- Have successfully completed the Tec Trimix Instructor Standards Exam and Tec Trimix Instructor Theory and Practical Application Exam.
- Be 18 years old
How long will it take? The duration of the course depends on your previous experience, if you're already a Tec Trimix Diver, Trimix Instructor from another organization, or Trimix Diver from another organization. So it could last from a few days to a few weeks. Equipment requirements - Double cylinders (minimum 12 l/70 cf each, with larger preferred) with isolator manifold
- Primary and secondary regulators, one with two metre/seven foot hose (approx.) for gas sharing, and one with SPG
- Stage/decompression cylinders with regulator, SPG, mounting hardware and proper labeling/markings. Two per diver will be required
- Backup decompression cylinders as appropriate and required for the environment
- BCD and harness – redundant buoyancy control is required (double bladder BCD or dry suit if suitable for weight of equipment worn)
- Depth gauge/computer and backup depth gauge/computer
- Timing device and backup timing device
- Trimix decompression information (tables/trimix computer) and backup decompression information
- Exposure suit appropriate for environment and dive duration. (If students will use dry suits, they should be trained/experienced with their use in recreational and technical diving prior to using them for trimix training or diving.)
- Argon dry suit inflation or other inflation system as needed (students should not inflate dry suit with trimix)
- Weight system (if needed)
- Jon line (if needed for current diving environ-ments)
- Inflatable signal tube
- Reel
- Lift bag (bright yellow or per local community practice preferred)
- Knife/cutting device and backup
- Slate
- Backup mask (optional)
- Compass
- Lights (optional)
- Drift kit (if drift decompressing)
Required Course Materials - TecTrimix Diver Manual
- Tec Deep Diver Manual
- TecRec Dive Planning Slate
- TecRec Dive Planning Checklist Slates
- TecRec Deep Stop Calculation Table Slate
- Tec Trimix Diver Instructor Guide
- Tec Trimix Instructor Cue Cards
- Tec Trimix Dive Examinations
- TecRec Equipment Setup and Skills video
- PADI Enriched Air Diver Manual
- PADI Enriched Air Diving video
- DSAT Tec Trimix Diver Lesson Guides
- Enriched Air cylinder decal
- Contents stickers
- Enriched air fill log sheets
- DSAT Tec Trimix Instructor Theory and Practical Application Exams and answer sheets
- DSAT Tec Trimix Instructor Standards Exam and answer sheets
- Tec Trimix Diver Statement of Understanding and Learning Agreement